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ACTION: Cancer In Kentucky - Faculty/Staff Oral History Project

Project Summary

Kentucky ranks first in the nation in overall cancer incidence and mortality rates and the highest burden of the disease occurs in the eastern part of the state, specifically in the 54 counties that are Appalachian Region. The Appalachian Career Training In Oncology (ACTION) Program prepares high school and undergraduate students from the University of Kentucky to pursue oncology careers and to engage the community in ways that will enhance cancer education. As part of the ACTION Program and in the spirit of community engagement, ACTION faculty and staff are conducting an oral history project to document stories about how cancer impacts Appalachian Kentucky – how it impacts individuals, families, communities and the entire region – and to highlight research and other initiatives that will address the cancer problem in the region. (Statistics current in 2020)

Project Code


Interviews in this Project (4 Total):

Interview Accession Number: 2020oh0043_actionf0001
Interviewer: Nathan L. Vanderford
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Interview Accession Number: 2020oh0046_actionf0002
Interviewer: Nathan L. Vanderford
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Interview Accession Number: 2020oh0111_actionf0003
Interviewer: Nathan L. Vanderford
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Interview Accession Number: 2020oh0119_actionf0005
Interviewer: Nathan L. Vanderford
Restrictions: No Restrictions