Interview with David Lawrence, March 22, 2024

Project: Peace Corps: The Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Oral History Project

Interview Summary

David Lawrence, Business Volunteer, Peace Corps Russia 1992-1994 David joined Peace Corps Russia only 11 months after the Soviet Union collapsed. During his service, he felt the optimism other former Soviet countries enjoyed in the face of major democratic changes taking place in the region. Still, he reflects on the challenges he and other volunteers endured as the first group of business volunteers in Russia where businesses themselves were not yet used to the post-Soviet world. Even though the attrition rate of his group was high during his service, David stayed on and readjusted to the realities of his site assignments. He talks about forging close relationships with people he would meet in the communities and on trains and on buses and reflects on the value of his service overall. Looking back on his experience, David talks about how exposing Russians to American culture was an important contribution but questions the value of the Peace Corps program in Russia overall given the strong Russian nationalism that eventually led to the closing of the program a decade later. Still, he credits Peace Corps for shaping his personal and professional achievements, including his long career with the World Bank Group.

Interview Accession


Interviewee Name

David Lawrence

Interviewer Name

Urvi Mehta

Interview Date


Interview Keyword

Peace Corps Peace Corps Russia First Peace Corps group in Russia Volga Volga Region Russia Samara, Russia Samara Marks, Russia Marks German Katerinenstadt Ethnically German U.S. foreign service diplomat Michigan Ford Motor Company Purchasing Small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) Business program Peace Corps business program Private sector Small business Soviet Union State-owned businesses American expertise Peace Corps application Peace Corps Peace Corps volunteers Ford Motor Company Peace Corps Russia Collapse of the Soviet Union Post-Ukraine Peace Corps Ukraine Peace Corps programs Far East Volga Peace Corps Poland Peace Corps Romania Peace Corps Czechoslovakia Peace Corps Russia Russian studies Russian language Multiple time zones Japan Application process Peace Corps application Peace Corps interview Peace Corps recruiter Russian language Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Soviet Union Peace Corps volunteers President George Bush George Bush Cold War Peace Corps staging Washington, DC District of Columbia Moscow, Russia Far East Vladivostok Saratov, Russia Peace Corps cohort Communications Russian communications infrastructure Site placement Site visit Peace Corps site placement Peace Corps site placement Latyshevo, Russia Latyshevo City Administration Volga River Nizhny Novgorod Oblast Nizhny Novgorod region Samara State Aerospace University Business development program Russian entrepreneurs Business plans Corruption Accounting manipulation American cultural center Business English English classes Desktop computers Attrition rate Non-governmental organization (NGO) Armenia International Finance Corporation (IFC) World Bank World Bank Group Development work Former Soviet Union East Asia Russia Ukraine Georgia Armenia Russian language Writing World Bank consultant Infrastructure Communications professional Writer Local newspaper Three goals of Peace Corps CIA spies United States Canada Vladimir Putin Mormons Russian nationalism Differences between Ukrainians and Russians Ukraine War Kyiv, Ukraine

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Lawrence, David Interview by Urvi Mehta. 22 Mar. 2024. Lexington, KY: Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries.

Lawrence, D. (2024, March 22). Interview by U. Mehta. Peace Corps: The Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Oral History Project. Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries, Lexington.

Lawrence, David, interview by Urvi Mehta. March 22, 2024, Peace Corps: The Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Oral History Project, Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries.

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