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results for search: Professional sports

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Interview with Sarah G. Blanding, May 23, 1976

Project: University of Kentucky Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 1976oh044_af038
Interviewer: William Cooper
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Lewis W. Cochran, December 17, 1985

Project: Lewis W. Cochran Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 1985oh255_af281
Interviewer: Terry L. Birdwhistell
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with A. D. Albright, January 10, 1989

Project: A.D. Albright Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 1989oh005_af342
Interviewer: Terry L. Birdwhistell
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Lyman T. Johnson, March 24, 1990

Project: Kentucky Sports: Interscholastic Athletics Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 1990oh045_ks116
Interviewer: Maurice A. Clay
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Mildred Watkins Chandler, July 2, 1991

Project: A. B. "Happy" Chandler: The Dr. Charles P. Roland Interviews
Interview Accession Number: 1991oh192_cpr072
Interviewer: Charles P. Roland
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with John Ed Pearce, September 13, 1996

Project: John Ed Pearce Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 1996oh131_jep008
Interviewer: Terry L. Birdwhistell
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Steve Parker, September 27, 2004

Project: Kentucky Sports: African American Athletes Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2004oh176_ks252
Interviewer: Will Jones
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with John Shelby, February 1, 2005

Project: Kentucky Sports: African American Athletes Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2005oh010_ks262
Interviewer: Will Jones
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Adolph Rupp,

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Adolph Rupp Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 1996oh027_af542
Interviewer: Russell Rice
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Adolph Rupp,

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Adolph Rupp Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 1996oh029_af544
Interviewer: Russell Rice
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with William B. "Bill" Keightley, August 8, 2006

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: William B. Keightley Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2006oh140_af735
Interviewer: Jeffrey Suchanek
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Walter D. Huddleston, October 26, 2001

Project: Walter D. Huddleston Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2001oh080_wdh003
Interviewer: Terry L. Birdwhistell
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with John "Jack" Jones, June 1, 1982

Project: Goin' North: Tales of the Great Migration Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2014oh204_gn056
Interviewer: Charles Hardy, III
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with William F. McMurry, May 18, 2015

Project: Kentucky Civil Rights Hall of Fame Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2015oh241_kcrhf018
Interviewer: Betty Baye`
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with James E. Scott, Joan Scott, May 13, 2015

Project: Jenkins Coal Town Archaeology Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2015oh336_jcta003
Interviewer: Zada Komara
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Richard Benson, December 21, 2015

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Tennis Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2015oh566_af834
Interviewer: Dennis Emery
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Nolan Richardson, February 5, 2016

Project: NCAA Men's Basketball Championship (1966): UK v Texas Western Basketball Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2016oh008_utep004
Interviewer: Gerald Smith
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Neville Shedd, February 5, 2016

Project: NCAA Men's Basketball Championship (1966): UK v Texas Western Basketball Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2016oh012_utep008
Interviewer: Gerald Smith
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Mike Pratt, February 3, 2016

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Men's Basketball Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2016oh018_af837
Interviewer: Kyle Macy
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Cotton Nash, February 3, 2016

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Men's Basketball Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2016oh019_af838
Interviewer: Kyle Macy
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Louie Dampier, February 4, 2016

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Men's Basketball Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2016oh021_af840
Interviewer: Kyle Macy
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Paul Varga, May 11, 2016

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Tennis Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2016oh063_af846
Interviewer: Dennis Emery
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Joe Leytze and John Varga, May 2016

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Tennis Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2016oh085_af853
Interviewer: Dennis Emery
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Thomas J. Kubeck, August 10, 2017

Project: Kentucky Honor Flight Veterans Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2017oh547_honor007
Interviewer: Jeffrey Suchanek
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Joe B. Hall, January 1, 2015

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Men's Basketball Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2018oh777_ukabskm001
Interviewer: Kyle Macy
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Cedric Kauffmann, February 6, 2019

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Tennis Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2019oh0070_ukaten0001
Interviewer: Dennis Emery
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Keith Madison, February 14, 2019

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Baseball Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2019oh0075_ukabase0003
Interviewer: Dennis Emery
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Carson B. "Mike" Harreld, February 28, 2019

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Men's Basketball Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2019oh0103_ukabskm0005
Interviewer: Kyle Macy
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Jim Green, April 3, 2019

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Track and Field Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2019oh1352_ukatf0001
Interviewer: Dennis Emery
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Richard Klein, April 9, 2019

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Football Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2019oh1354_ukafoot0001
Interviewer: Dennis Emery
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Derrick K. Ramsey, April 23, 2019

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Football Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2019oh1392_ukafoot0002
Interviewer: Bill Ransdell
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Don Weber, April 25, 2019

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Track and Field Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2019oh1396_ukatf0002
Interviewer: Dennis Emery
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Jim Howe, June 24, 2019

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Football Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2019oh1477_ukafoot0003
Interviewer: Dennis Emery
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Conrad Carney, June 25, 2019

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Football Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2019oh1480_ukafoot0004
Interviewer: Dennis Emery
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Stephen P. Imhoff, January 31, 2020

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Tennis Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2020oh0041_ukaten0002
Interviewer: Dennis Emery
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Vernon Hatton, October 16, 2019

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Men's Basketball Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2020oh0087_ukabskm0015
Interviewer: Kyle Macy
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Lusia Harris, March 6, 2021

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Women's Basketball Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2021oh0151_ukabskw0010
Interviewer: Valerie R. Still
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Jim M. Brown, May 26, 2021

Project: Peace Corps: The Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2021oh0465_pcrv0248
Interviewer: Pamela Estee Watkins
Restrictions: No Restrictions