Interview with Maureen "Moe" O'Brien, September 23, 2023

Project: Peace Corps: The Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Oral History Project

Interview Summary

Maureen O’Brien served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Dominica from 1994 to 1996 in the Education Program. A newspaper announcement led her to attend a presentation by RPCVs, after which she applied to be a volunteer. Moe’s training included three weeks in St. Lucia and three in Dominica, studying French Creole language, cultural awareness, and teaching skills. Moe was assigned to Vieille Case to teach a hands-on approach to science to grades 1 through 5. Secondary projects included setting up a school library, and another library in her home for adults. As well as being involved in sports programs, she worked with the Ministry of Sports and coached youths in schools as well as in the community. She was selected as a member of the national volleyball team, and helped organize and play in the first women’s basketball league. Those activities allowed her to travel throughout the country and develop close friendships. Moe visited Dominica again in 2004 and met many of the people she had known during her service. She has shared her Peace Corps experience with students throughout her teaching career.

Interview Accession


Interviewee Name

Maureen "Moe" O'Brien

Interviewer Name

Julius "Jay" Sztuk

Interview Date


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OߐBrien, Maureen Interview by Julius Sztuk. 23 Sep. 2023. Lexington, KY: Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries.

OߐBrien, M. (2023, September 23). Interview by J. Sztuk. Peace Corps: The Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Oral History Project. Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries, Lexington.

OߐBrien, Maureen, interview by Julius Sztuk. September 23, 2023, Peace Corps: The Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Oral History Project, Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries.

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