Interview with Jack Fry, October 12, 2023

Project: Peace Corps: The Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Oral History Project

Interview Summary

Jack Fry served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Kenya from 1969 to 1971 in the Education Program. Jack’s interest in other countries began while attending high school at a DoD school in France. While attending Michigan State University he met someone who shared his interest, and they decided to get married and join Peace Corps. They were selected for Kenya group Education 5. Training was conducted in New York’s Catskill mountains. Swahili language was taught by native speakers. Shortly after arriving in Nairobi, Jack and Marcy Fry traveled to their site, Machakos Girls High School. They lived on campus in teacher housing, and were part of a multi-national teaching staff. In addition to teaching, Jack supervised some school sports programs. The interview discusses their experiences with students and fellow teachers, travel throughout the countryside by motorcycle, visits to other countries, and Peace Corps impact on their lives. Jack relates the story of being held captive by Eritrean separatists during a trip to Ethiopia. The Fry’s returned to Kenya in 2017 and were able to meet many former students. Both of the Fry’s daughters served in Peace Corps as well.

Interview Accession


Interviewee Name

Jack Fry

Interviewer Name

Julius "Jay" Sztuk

Interview Date


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All rights to the interviews, including but not restricted to legal title, copyrights and literary property rights, have been transferred to the University of Kentucky Libraries.

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Fry, Jack Interview by Julius Sztuk. 12 Oct. 2023. Lexington, KY: Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries.

Fry, J. (2023, October 12). Interview by J. Sztuk. Peace Corps: The Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Oral History Project. Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries, Lexington.

Fry, Jack, interview by Julius Sztuk. October 12, 2023, Peace Corps: The Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Oral History Project, Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries.

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