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results for search: campus racial tension

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Interview with Gretchen Marcum Brown, July 8, 2020

Project: University of Kentucky: The Turbulent Years (1965-1975) Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2020oh0407_ukty0164
Interviewer: Jeffrey Suchanek
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Access: Request

Interview with Dona Gale Spangler Muller, August 25, 2020

Project: University of Kentucky: The Turbulent Years (1965-1975) Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2020oh0494_ukty0198
Interviewer: Jeffrey Suchanek
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Access: Request

Interview with John D. Crump, October 21, 2020

Project: University of Kentucky: The Turbulent Years (1965-1975) Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2020oh0736_ukty0245
Interviewer: Jeffrey Suchanek
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Access: Request

Interview with Norbert Joseph "Joe" Maguire, October 30, 2020

Project: University of Kentucky: The Turbulent Years (1965-1975) Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2021oh0009_ukty0252
Interviewer: Jeffrey Suchanek
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Access: Request

Interview with Ralph W. Derickson, January 5, 2021

Project: University of Kentucky: The Turbulent Years (1965-1975) Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2021oh0138_ukty0279
Interviewer: Jeffrey Suchanek
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Access: Request

Interview with Thomas G. McDowell, January 27, 2021

Project: University of Kentucky: The Turbulent Years (1965-1975) Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2021oh0606_ukty0297
Interviewer: Jeffrey Suchanek
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Access: Request