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results for search: Allen Feldhaus

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Interview with Adolph Rupp,

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Adolph Rupp Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 1996oh028_af543
Interviewer: Russell Rice
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Billy Ray Lickert, May 2016

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Men's Basketball Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2016oh086_af854
Interviewer: Kyle Macy
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Deron Feldhaus, January 29, 2019

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Men's Basketball Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2019oh0071_ukabskm0004
Interviewer: Kyle Macy
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Larry Pursiful, March 2, 2023

Project: University of Kentucky Athletics: Baseball Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2023oh0035_ukabase0006
Interviewer: Dennis Emery
Restrictions: No Restrictions