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results for search: Alan Stein

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Interview with Donovan Lyle Aten, March 7, 2013

Project: Donovan Lyle Aten Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2014oh126_dla007
Interviewer: Marie Copeland
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Pam Miller, May 14, 2015

Project: Pam Miller Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2015oh295_pm005
Interviewer: Arwen Donahue
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Access: Request

Interview with Pam Miller, May 26, 2015

Project: Pam Miller Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2015oh296_pm006
Interviewer: Arwen Donahue
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Access: Request

Interview with Mark Wides, March 18, 2016

Project: Jewish Kentucky Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2016oh047_jk015
Interviewer: Janice Crane
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Alan Stein, July 26, 2018

Project: Baseball In Kentucky Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2018oh402_baseky001
Interviewer: Alan Lytle
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Access: Request