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Kentucky History: Floyd County Oral History Project

Project Summary

In this series, Woodrow W. Burchett discusses life in Floyd County, Kentucky. Woodrow Wilson Burchett (1911-1995) was a lawyer and part-time farmer. He discusses growing up, memories of his father who was a judge, and his own career as a lawyer. Topics include feuds between families, and local politics and how they have changed over the years.

Project Code


Project Keyword

law   politics

Interviews in this Project (3 Total):

Interview Accession Number: 1993oh140_kh545
Interviewer: William H. McCann, Jr.
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Interview Accession Number: 1993oh141_kh546
Interviewer: William H. McCann, Jr.
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Interview Accession Number: 1993oh142_kh547
Interviewer: William H. McCann, Jr.
Restrictions: No Restrictions