Taboga Island (Panama)
Tachau, Charles B.
Tachau, Charles B.--Interviews
Tachau, Eric, 1924-2002--Interviews
Tachau, Mary K. Bonsteel, 1926-1990
Tactics (6)
Tafel, Arthur, Jr.
Tafel, Arthur, Jr.--Interviews
Tahoua (Niger : Canton)
Talbert, Charles Gano, 1912- (5)
Talbert, Charles Gano, 1912- --Interviews (5)
Talbert, F.D. (2)
Talbert, F.D.--Interviews (2)
Talent shows
Talladega College
Tallahassee (Fla.)
Tambo Grande (Peru)
Tanacross (Alaska)
Tanks (Military science)
Tanzania (6)
Tap Shoes (Race horse)
Tapit (Race horse)
Tarawa, Battle of, Kiribati, 1943
Target marketing (2)
Tarracino, Tony, 1916-2008
Tarrant, Rozell
Tarrant, Rozell--Interviews
Tartar, Elmer
Tartar, Elmer--Interviews
Tarter, Barry L.
Tarter, Barry L.--Interviews
Tashkent (Uzbekistan) (2)
Tassafaronga, Battle of, Solomon Islands, 1942
Tate, Allen, 1899-1979 (2)
Tate, Horace
Tatman, Estelle S.
Tatman, Estelle S.--Interviews
Tatman, Eula
Tatman, Eula--Interviews
Tattersalls (Firm) (2)
Tax administration and procedure
Tax assessment
Tax credits
Tax incentives
Taxation--Law and legislation (6)
Taxation--Law and legislation--Kentucky (25)
Taylor County (Ky.) (3)
Taylor Mill (Ky.) (11)
Taylor, Donald
Taylor, Donald--Interviews
Taylor, E. H. (Edmund Haynes), Jr., 1830-1923 (2)
Taylor, E. H. (Edmund Haynes), Jr., 1830-1923--Interviews
Taylor, Livingston, 1930- (2)
Taylor, Livingston, 1930- --Interviews (2)
Taylor, Margaret W.
Taylor, Margaret W.--Interviews
Taylor, Nell Crouch
Taylor, Nell Crouch--Interviews
Taylor, Paul Franklin
Taylor, Paul Franklin--Interviews
Taylor, Rhea
Taylor, Rhea--Interviews
Taylor, Richard, 1941-
Taylor, Richard, 1941- --Interviews
Taylor, Walter B.
Taylor, Walter B.--Interviews
Taylor, William S.
Taylor-Hall, Mary Ann
Teachers (90)
Teachers -- Pensions -- Kentucky
Teachers Inc.
Teachers of the blind
Teachers with disabilities
Teachers--Kentucky (44)
Teachers--Kentucky--Biography (3)
Teachers--Kentucky--Jackson County--Biography
Teachers--Salaries, etc. (4)
Teachers--Supply and demand
Teachers--Training of (2)
Teachers--United States
Teaching (109)
Teaching and learning in higher education
Teaching--United States.
Teater Saddlebred Enterprises, Inc.
Teater Stables (Ky.)
Teater, Earl, 1905-1972 (2)
Teater, Earl, 1905-1973
Teater, Edward M., 1933- (2)
Teater, Edward M., 1933- --Interviews (2)
Technical assistance
Technical writing
Technological innovations (12)
Technology (10)
Teenagers (8)
Teenagers--United States--Attitudes
Teeter, Dale
Teeter, Dale--Interviews
Teges Creek (Ky.) (16)
Tegucigalpa (Honduras)
Tehran (Iran)
Teig, David, 1928-
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre (2)
Tel Aviv (Israel)
Television (9)
Television acting
Television actors and actresses (8)
Television actors and actresses--United States (2)
Television and politics
Television broadcasting (4)
Television broadcasting of sports
Television broadcasting--Employees (2)
Television broadcasting--United States (3)
Television industry
Television journalists
Television news anchors
Television producers and directors
Television producers and directors--United States (2)
Television programs (4)
Television programs. (2)
Television shows (2)
Television soap operas
Television stations
Television--History (20)
Television. (2)
Tellico Dam (Tenn.) (3)
Tellico Village (Tenn.)
Tem language
Temperance (2)
Temperance League of Kentucky
Temple University (4)
Temporary housing
Tennessee (39)
Tennessee River (4)
Tennessee River Valley (3)
Tennessee Valley Authority (51)
Tennessee Valley Authority. Office of Natural Resources
Tennessee walking horse
Tennessee--Race relations
Tennis (17)
Tennis coaches (6)
Tennis courts (2)
Tennis injuries
Tennis players (14)
Tennis players. (3)
Tennis teams (3)
Tennis--Coaching (2)
Tennis--Doubles (3)
Tennis--History. (5)
Tennis--Singles (3)
Tennis--Tournaments (3)
Tennis. (4)
Tenzin Gyatso, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935- (4)
Tepper, Bennett J. (2)
Tepper, Bennett J.--Interviews (2)
Term limits (Public office)
Term limits (Public office).
Terracing (2)
Terrell (Tex.)
Terrell, Daniel V.
Terrell, Daniel V.--Interviews
Terrorism (2)
Terry, John
Terry, John--Interviews
Terry, Maria
Terry, Maria--Interviews
Terry, Vernie
Terry, Vernie--Interviews
Terry, Warren Bergen "Bill", Sr., 1918-2009 (8)
Terry, Warren Bergen "Bill", Sr., 1918-2009--Interviews (8)
Tet Offensive, 196
Tet Offensive, 1968 (9)
Tet Offensive, 1968.
Texas (9)
Texas A & M University
Texas A & M University.
Texas Christian University
Texas Instruments Incorporated
Texas Western Miners (Basketball Team) (7)
Textile artists (32)
Textile arts
Textile crafts (3)
Textile design
Textile designers (2)
Textile fabrics
Textile industry
Textile museums
Textiles (40)
Textiles. (10)
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 1811-1863
Thailand (9)
Thaler, Daisy
Thaler, Daisy--Interviews
The Anniston Star (Anniston, Ala.) (2)
The Bahamas (2)
The Dream Factory
The Louisville Times (Louisville, Ky.) (2)
Theater (13)
Theater. (5)
Theatre (3)
Theatrical producers and directors
Theology (8)
Therapy (3)
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Firm)
Thérèse, de Lisieux, Saint, 1873-1897
Thiemann, Francis C.
Thiemann, Francis C.--Interviews
Thies (Senegal) (2)
Thistlethwaite, Polly
Thistlethwaite, Polly--Interviews
Thomas, Clarence, 1948-
Thomas, Dave
Thomas, Elizabeth P.
Thomas, Elizabeth P. --Interviews
Thomas, Frank C., 1921- (4)
Thomas, Frank C., 1921- --Interviews (4)
Thomas, Joe W.
Thomas, Joe W.--Interviews
Thomas, Paul M.
Thomas, Paul M.--Interviews
Thomas, Sam B.
Thomas, Sam B.--Interviews
Thomas, Samuel W., 1938-
Thomas, Samuel W., 1938- --Interviews
Thomas, W.D.
Thomas, W.D.--Interviews
Thomas, Wilma
Thomas, Wilma--Interviews
Thompson, Ardella E.
Thompson, Ardella E.--Interviews
Thompson, Bert L., (Bert Louis) (2)
Thompson, Bert L., (Bert Louis)--Interviews (2)
Thompson, Buddy
Thompson, Buddy--Interviews
Thompson, Carolyn Harrod, 1929-
Thompson, Carolyn Harrod, 1929- --Interviews
Thompson, Frona
Thompson, Frona--Interviews
Thompson, Jackie, 1926-2007
Thompson, Lawrence Sidney, 1916-1986
Thompson, Lawrence Sidney, 1916-1986--Interviews
Thompson, Rose-Bel
Thompson, Rose-Bel--Interviews
Thomson, Bobby, 1923-2010
Thomson, Bobby, 1923-2010--Interviews
Thornhill, Claude
Thornton, James B.
Thornton, James B.--Interviews
Thornton, Lucy
Thornton, Lucy--Interviews
Thoroughbred (2)
Thoroughbred horse (36)
Thoroughbred horse--Breeding (2)
Thoroughbred horse--Breeding--Kentucky (3)
Thoroughbred horse--Grooming
Thoroughbred horse--Pedigrees
Thoroughbred horses (7)
Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association (2)
Thorpe, Norbourne
Thorpe, Norbourne--Interviews
Thousandsticks (Ky.) (2)
Three Chimneys Farm (Ky.) (6)
Three-day event (Horsemanship) (2)
Thunderbolt (Fighter plane)
Thurmond, Strom, 1902-2003
Thurmond, Strom, 1902-2003--Interviews
Tiabian, Ann
Tiabian, Ann--Interviews
Tiabian, Pete
Tiabian, Pete--Interviews
Tight ends (Football)
Tigrinya language
Tikal Site (Guatemala)
Tilghman, Howard
Tilghman, Howard--Interviews
Timber--Rafting (3)
Timberlake, C. L.
Timberlake, C. L.--Interviews
Tipton, Jeff (2)
Tipton, Jeff--Interviews (2)
Tissue banks
Tîrgoviște (Romania)
Tobacco (78)
Tobacco blue mold (6)
Tobacco chewing (3)
Tobacco crops (4)
Tobacco curing (8)
Tobacco farmers (51)
Tobacco farming (2)
Tobacco farms (25)
Tobacco farms--Kentucky (9)
Tobacco farms--Kentucky--Shelbyville
Tobacco industry (122)
Tobacco industry--Employees (2)
Tobacco industry--Equipment and supplies (2)
Tobacco industry--Government policy (2)
Tobacco industry--Government policy--United States
Tobacco industry--Kentucky (78)
Tobacco industry--Law and legislation--Kentucky (25)
Tobacco industry--Law and legislation--United States
Tobacco industry--Maryland (2)
Tobacco industry--Mergers
Tobacco Institute (Washington, D.C.) (2)
Tobacco products
Tobacco use
Tobacco workers (23)
Tobacco workers--Labor unions
Tobacco workers--Women (2)
Tobacco--Composition (4)
Tobacco--Cooperative marketing (5)
Tobacco--Diseases and pests (10)
Tobacco--Equipment and supplies (3)
Tobacco--Government policy (18)
Tobacco--Government policy--United States
Tobacco--Grading (15)
Tobacco--Harvesting (3)
Tobacco--Health aspects (6)
Tobacco--Herbicides (2)
Tobacco--Insecticides (3)
Tobacco--Inspection (2)
Tobacco--Kentucky (62)
Tobacco--Law and legislation (9)
Tobacco--Marketing (4)
Tobacco--Markets (2)
Tobacco--Physiological effect
Tobacco--Prices (11)
Tobacco--Processing (3)
Tobacco--Research (3)
Tobacco--Seeds (3)
Tobacco--Technological innovation (2)
Tobacco--Technological innovations
Tobacco--Varieties (23)
Tobacco--Weed control (2)
Toccoa (Ga.)
Todd County (Ky.) (2)
Todd, Lee T., Jr., 1946- (10)
Todd, Lee T., Jr., 1946- --Interviews (11)
Todd, Sara Jane
Todd, Sara Jane--Interviews
Todd, Thomas W., 1927-
Todd, Thomas W., 1927- --Interviews
Todd, Thomas, 1765-1826
Togo (5)
Tok Pisin language
Tokyo (Japan) (2)
Toledo District (Belize)
Toll roads (3)
Tolleson, Jane Roseberry
Tolleson, Jane Roseberry--Interviews
Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910. Ana Karenina
Tomochichi, -1739
Tomsho, Kathy
Tomsho, Kathy--Interviews
Tonkin, Gulf of
Tonkin, Gulf of.
Toomey, James L.
Toomey, James L.--Interviews
Tootsie (Motion picture)
Top chef (Television program)
Top Yield Industries
Tornado damage (9)
Tornado damage.
Tornado warning systems (2)
Tornadoes (55)
Tornadoes. (8)
Torpedoes (2)
Tourism (26)
Tourism--Appalachian Region (2)
Tourism--Kentucky (9)
Tourism. (4)
Tours (2)
Toussaint, Paul E.
Toussaint, Paul E.--Interviews
Towers, Jack
Towler, Stephen W. (2)
Towler, Stephen W.--Interviews (2)
Townsend, John B.
Townsend, John B.--Interviews
Toy stores--Kentucky
Toyota Motor Manufacturing U.S.A. (4)
Track and field (6)
Track and field athletes (4)
Track and field athletes. (4)
Track and field--Coaching (5)
Track and field. (4)
Tracks (Athletics)
Tracks (Athletics)--Design and construction
Tractor pulling (Motorsports)
Tracy, Martin
Tracy, Martin--Interviews (5)
Tracy, Patsy Dills
Tracy, Patsy Dills--Interviews
Trade schools
Traditional farming (52)
Traditional farming--Kentucky (21)
Traditional medicine (25)
Train family
Training (22)
Training. (3)
Trains (3)
Trans-Alaska Pipeline (Alaska)
Transgender children. (2)
Transgender college students
Transgender identity (8)
Transgender people--Identity (8)
Transgender people--Legal status, laws, etc. (3)
Transgender people--Violence against (2)
Transgender people. (7)
Transgender women
Transgender youth. (5)
Transportation (23)
Transportation--Kentucky (6)
Transportation--Kentucky--History (13)
Transportation--Law and legislation--Kentucky
Transylvania University (7)
Trappist (Ky.)
Trappists (9)
Traumatic shock
Travel (90)
Travel books
Traveling theater
Travis, Joe Lane (2)
Travis, Joe Lane--Interviews
Travis, Leroy K.
Travis, Leroy K.--Interviews
Travis, Oneth M.
Travis, Oneth M.--Interviews
Tree planting
Trees--Diseases and pests.
Trench foot
Trent, Judy
Trent, Judy--Interviews
Trenton (Ky.)
Trevey, John Edwin, 1933-1990
Tri-City News
Triana (Ala. : Town)
Triana (Ala.)
Trigg County (Ky.) (3)
Trimble County (Ky.) (3)
Trimble, Elizabeth A. (Elizabeth Ann)
Trimble, Elizabeth A. (Elizabeth Ann)--Interviews
Trimble, Ruth, 1905-
Trimble, Ruth, 1905- --Interviews
Trimble, Seldon
Trimble, Seldon--Interviews
Trinidad and Tobago
Tripler Army Medical Center (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Troland, Thomas H. (4)
Troland, Thomas H.--Interviews (4)
Trost, Geraldine
Trost, Geraldine--Interviews
Trover, Loman C.
Trover, Loman C.--Interviews
Troxell, Anna (4)
Troxell, Anna--Interviews (4)
Troxell, Orville
Troxell, Orville--Interviews
Troxell, Ralph (2)
Troxell, Ralph--Interviews (2)
Truck drivers
Trucks, Virgil O.
Trucks, Virgil O.--Interviews
True to the Farm (Radio program)
True, Laurel
True, Laurel--Interviews
Truitt, Marian Frances, 1909-1996
Truitt, Marian Frances, 1909-1996--Interviews
Truman, David B. (David Bicknell), 1913-2003
Truman, David B. (David Bicknell), 1913-2003--Interviews
Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972 (12)
Trump, Donald, 1946- (5)
Trumpet music (Jazz)
Trus Joist MacMillan (Firm)
Tucker, Ernest M.
Tucker, Ernest M.--Interviews
Tuckerton (N.J.) (2)
Tufts College
Tug Fork (Ky.)
Tulsa (Okla.) (2)
Tulsa University
Tuna fishing
Tupelo (Miss.)
Turkey (5)
Turkmen language.
Turner, Clayton
Turner, Clayton--Interviews
Turner, Gardner L.
Turner, Gardner L.--Interviews
Turner, James L. (2)
Turner, James L.--Interviews (2)
Turner, John E. (John Elliot), 1917-2005 (3)
Turner, John E. (John Elliot), 1917-2005--Interviews (3)
Turner, Lewis
Turner, Lewis--Interviews
Turner, Marie
Turner, Marie--Interviews
Turner, Mima
Turner, Mima--Interviews
Turner, Richard, 1935- (2)
Turner, Richard, 1935- --Interviews (2)
Turner, Rolland
Turner, Rolland--Interviews
Turner, Susan
Turner, William T.
Turner, William T.--Interviews
Tuscaloosa (Ala.)
Tuska, John Regis, 1931- (14)
Tuskegee (Ala.) (3)
Tuskegee Institute
Tuskegee University
Tuttle, Betty Jane
Tuttle, Betty Jane--Interviews
Tuttle, John W.
Tuttle, John W.--Interviews
Tuy Hòa (Vietnam)
Twentieth century
Twentynine Palms (Calif.)
Twi language
Twin sisters
Twins (2)
Tyler, June Smith
Tyler, June Smith--Interviews
Tymoshenko, I︠U︡lii︠a︡, 1960-
Typhoid fever (4)