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Family Farms of Kentucky: General Oral History Project

Project Summary

This project contains miscellaneous interviews regarding family farms in Kentucky.

Project Code


Project LC Subject

4-H clubs.   African American farmers.   Agricultural chemicals.   Agricultural innovations.   Agriculture, Cooperative.   Agriculture--Economic aspects   Agriculture--Kentucky--Bourbon County   Agriculture--Kentucky--Casey County   Agriculture--Kentucky--Henry County   Agriculture--Kentucky--Lee County   Agriculture--Kentucky--Letcher County   Agriculture--Safety measures   Agriculture.   Bee culture.   Beef cattle.   Bourbon County (Ky.)   Breathitt County (Ky.)   Bullitt County (Ky.)   Canning and preserving   Child rearing   Clay family   Cooking   Corn--Milling   Courtship   Crops   Education   Family farms   Farm buildings   Farm equipment   Farm life--Kentucky--Casey County   Farm life--Kentucky--Lee County   Farm life--Kentucky--Pulaski County   Farm life.   Food habits   Food--Preservation   Gardening   General stores   Hemp   Herbicides   Home economics extension work   Jessamine County (Ky.)   Lee County (Ky.)   Livestock   Logging   Manners and customs   Medicine, Rural   Molasses   Mountain life   Pesticides   Plant diseases   Powell County (Ky.)   Prisoners of war--Germany   Pulaski County (Ky.)   Recreation   Religion   Rural electrification   Rural schools   Scott County (Ky.)   Sheep   Soap   Swine   Technological innovations   Telephone   Tobacco   Tobacco farmers   Tobacco--Diseases and pests   Traditional medicine   Transportation   Wolfe County (Ky.)   Women in agriculture

Interviews in this Project (3 Total):

Interview Accession Number: 1990oh155_kh714
Interviewer: Kim David Strohmeier
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Interview Accession Number: 1993oh292_ff399
Interviewer: Steve Fricker
Restrictions: No Restrictions
Interview Accession Number: 1993oh293_ff400
Interviewer: Steve Fricker
Restrictions: No Restrictions